Monday, August 2, 2010

Stupid is as bad as it gets

Well Conrad has his first act ofrebellion on his hands. His new favorite word is stupid. We explain to him that its not a nice word and it doesn't matter. I even tried writing a song for us to sing called "saying stupid is stupid" We time out him when he says it, we calming explain he is being naughty and he knows it, but doesn't care. Yesterday he was napping on his way home from the beach, my sister and I were in the front seat and I was saying something and used the "s" word, when all of the sudden from the back seat we hear " Thats not a nice word mommy" I guess it could be worse, and I am grateful that in his little word, stupid is a bad as it gets.

This week we had
many fun adventures. We went to the park and fed the ducks, we went to go see my sisters compete in the Blue Lake Triathlon. I am really proud of Amy and Megan for finishing this great accomplishment.
It was alot of fun to be there with Conrad at the finish line. We also had a slumber party Saturday night with our cousins and then Sunday we went to the beach. Summer is almos
t over so we are trying very hard to live it up while we can. I put the cute beach photo's a post down so keep scrolling to see Conrad in all his sandy glory!

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